MR16 GU10 LED Bulb, 4.8 Watts, 50W Equivalent, 5-Pack

Starting at $29.95

I purchased the gu10 5w 24x3chip ultra bright light. The 120 degree beam provides wide coverage compared to normal 50w globes (38 or 60 degree beams). Using multiple globes provides very even light coverage/distribution and avoids the shadow/patchy coverage of narrower beam globes. The cool white (6000 color temp) globes are very bright and approximate natural day light. The light may appear "harsh" to some people. The warm light (3000 temp) globe is much softer color (more yellowish) and very similar to 50w gu10 globe but with wider beam. I found the cool white globe good for the kitchen and study. The warm white good for lounge room. Both colours lack the penetration/distance of 12v 50w halogen globes but as mentioned earlier the coverage/distribution of light is broader and more even.? And of course power consumption is only 5w and much less heat.

The shipping was quick and hassle free.
I highly recommend the lights and company.

All the best, Max
Date Added: 02/16/2011 By max cornwall

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